Company Information
Contact Information
Accounts Payable/Billing Information
Ownership Information
Corporate Officers
Bank Information
Trade Reference #1
Trade Reference #2
Trade Reference #3
Trade Reference #4
Supporting Documentation

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Please keep individual file sizes to 4MB or less.
Credit terms are Net 30 days. Invoices not paid within 30 days of invoice date will be assessed a 1.5% per month Finance Charge. [In accordance with the Usury laws of the state]. I/We understand and agree that the information provided is for the purpose of obtaining credit. I/We further understand and agree that all accounts or monies due to A&C Plastics, Inc. shall be paid in accordance with the Credit Terms stated above and agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection, in addition to any court costs and/or attorney fees incurred. I/We authorize investigation of all credit references and credit history. I/We authorize creditors to release information pertaining to my/our credit history. I/We further authorize investigation of my/our credit via credit bureau reports.

Please allow up to 2 weeks for credit approval.
Please Sign Below
Using a touchpad or mouse, please sign in the area below. When finished signing, please click the Save Signature.
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